Our Core Competencies

We are well equipped to study, design, develop, implement and support Computerised Integrated Business Application Systems. We have a very clear understanding of business processes in Indian business environment.

We also rely on our ability to translate critical needs of our customers to practical solutions. Our intense exposure to businesses of different size, location, focus, operations and systems has been a crucial factor in consolidating our experience, by which our clientele are always benefited.

How We Deliver Products

We have a very well laid out process of developing software. The process starts with comprehensive study and complete understanding of the processes and systems of client. Due care is taken at designing stage to make the software compact and fast. Apart from fulfilling client’s requirement, we also strive for value addition by making the software futuristic. After this, we ascertain that the software works well at the user end, and also ensure that the client is fully trained and is able to get best out of it.

Resource Base and Facilities

Dedicated and professional team members are one of our most important assets. This includes Programmers, Customer Support Engineers and Sales Officers. We have a well equipped modern office in the heart of the city, which also has a dedicated Customer Support Centre, and a Training & Development Centre. We constantly upgrade ourselves with latest available hardware, operating systems and software tools; and are also well equipped with latest communication modes.

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